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Text File | 1992-10-10 | 17.1 KB | 708 lines | [TEXT/MPS ] |
- {$D+}
- {$R+}
- {écrit par François Marchal, © ACI 1991}
- {Version 1.3}
- {Historique des versions :
- 0.5 Première version sous formes de routines indépendantes
- implémentée dans 4D Desk
- 1.0 Intégration dans un package externe
- Implémentation de : Activer/Inactiver
- Valeurs par défaut
- Display Methode
- Parution dans la note technique NT23
- 1.1 Optimisation des IdleEvent
- Implémentation dans la démo QuickTime
- 1.2 Gestion de la validité des paramètres
- Signature des Handles
- 1.3 Gestion du disabled pour les boutons radios
- 1.4 Suppression du double appel par ENTRYPOINT
- 1.5 Gestion des boutons en offscreen
- 1.6 Correction d'un gros bug à l'Update Event:
- La ressource du bloc est maintenant lockée
- avant le DrawButton. Le problème était aléatoire
- sans les offscreens, et fréquent depuis.
- }
- Unit Button_Pack4D;
- Interface
- Uses Memory, QuickDraw, OSIntf, Toolintf, PackIntf, Events, QDOffscreen, Access0;
- Type
- ParamBloc = record
- DefaultstdPICTResUp,
- DefaultstdPICTResDown,
- DefaultstdPICTDisabled,
- DefaultrbPICTResUp,
- DefaultrbPICTResDown,
- DefaultrbPICTDisabled,
- DefaultFont,
- DefaultSize,
- DefaultStyle,
- DefaultUpXOffset,
- DefaultUpYOffset,
- DefaultDownXOffset,
- DefaultDownYOffset,
- DefaultJumpedChar,
- DefaultDisplayMethod : Integer;
- end;
- ParamBlocPtr = ^ParamBloc;
- ParamBlocHandle = ^ParamBlocPtr;
- Bloc = record
- Signature : longint;
- PICTResUp,
- PICTResDown,
- PICTDisabled,
- FontButton,
- SizeButton,
- StyleButton,
- UpXOffset,
- UpYOffset,
- DownXOffset,
- DownYOffset,
- DisplayMethod : Integer;
- TitleButton : Str255;
- clicked : Integer;
- enabled : Boolean;
- AreaRect : Rect;
- end;
- BlocPtr = ^Bloc;
- BlocHandle = ^BlocPtr;
- Const
- stdPicUpLocalRes = 1;
- stdPicDownLocalRes = 2;
- rbPicUpLocalRes = 3;
- rbPicDownLocalRes = 4;
- down = 1;
- up = 0;
- inactif = -1;
- RadioButton = 1;
- StandardButton = 2;
- PictScale = 1;
- AreaScale = 2;
- ValidSignature = $464D4250; {'FMBP'}
- Procedure thePackage(ProcNum:Longint; PtrList:PackageVariablesPtr; Var Data:ParamBlocHandle; Var FuncPtr:PackRetParam);
- Procedure DrawButton(var TheBloc : BlocHandle; var TheRect : Rect; state : Integer);
- procedure DrawStructure( TheParamBloc : ParamBlocHandle; TheName : Str255; TheType : Integer; TheRect : Rect);
- Function isValid(TheBloc : BlocHandle) : boolean;
- Procedure Button_ExternalArea( var TheEvent : EventRecord;
- var TheRect : Rect;
- var TheName : Str255;
- var TheBloc : BlocHandle;
- var TheParamBloc : ParamBlocHandle;
- TheType : Integer);
- Implementation
- Procedure thePackage(ProcNum:Longint; PtrList:PackageVariablesPtr; Var Data:ParamBlocHandle; Var FuncPtr:PackRetParam);
- Var
- TheInt : Integer;
- TheBloc : BlocHandle;
- Begin
- Case ProcNum Of
- 1 : { ButtonExternalArea }
- if PtrList^[1].EV^.what <> NullEvent then
- if Data<>Nil then
- begin
- HLock(handle(Data));
- Button_ExternalArea(PtrList^[1].EV^,
- PtrList^[2].RE^,
- PtrList^[3].S^,
- BlocHandle(PtrList^[4].HH^),
- Data,
- StandardButton);
- HUnLock(handle(Data));
- end;{if Data<>Nil}
- 2 : {RadioButtonExternalArea}
- if PtrList^[1].EV^.what <> NullEvent then
- if Data<>Nil then
- begin
- HLock(handle(Data));
- Button_ExternalArea(PtrList^[1].EV^,
- PtrList^[2].RE^,
- PtrList^[3].S^,
- BlocHandle(PtrList^[4].HH^),
- Data,
- RadioButton);
- HUnLock(handle(Data));
- end; {if Data<>Nil}
- (-1) :
- Begin {Init Package}
- Data := ParamBlocHandle(NewHandle(SizeOf(ParamBloc)));
- if Data <> Nil then
- begin
- Hlock(Handle(Data));
- With Data^^ do
- begin
- DefaultstdPICTResUp:=GetResNum('4BNX','PICT',stdPicUpLocalRes);
- DefaultstdPICTResDown:=GetResNum('4BNX','PICT',stdPicDownLocalRes);
- DefaultrbPICTResUp:=GetResNum('4BNX','PICT',rbPicUpLocalRes);
- DefaultrbPICTResDown:=GetResNum('4BNX','PICT',rbPicDownLocalRes);
- DefaultstdPICTDisabled:=(-1);
- DefaultrbPICTDisabled:=(-1);
- DefaultJumpedChar:=1;
- DefaultFont:=0;
- DefaultSize:=12;
- DefaultStyle:=0;
- DefaultUpXOffset:=(-1);
- DefaultUpYOffset:=(-1);
- DefaultDownXOffset:=0;
- DefaultDownYOffset:=0;
- DefaultDisplayMethod:= PictScale;
- end; {With Data^^}
- HUnLock(Handle(Data));
- end; {if Data<>Nil}
- end; {InitPackage}
- (-2) : {DeInit Package}
- if Data<>Nil then DisposHandle(handle(Data));
- 3 : {GetButton}
- Begin
- TheBloc:=BlocHandle(PtrList^[1].HH^);
- if isValid(TheBloc) then
- With TheBloc^^ do
- begin
- FuncPtr.I:=clicked;
- if clicked=down then clicked:=up;
- end;
- end; {GetButton}
- 4 : {ReadButton}
- Begin
- TheBloc:=BlocHandle(PtrList^[1].HH^);
- if isValid(TheBloc) then
- FuncPtr.I:=TheBloc^^.clicked;
- end; {ReadButton}
- 5 : {SetRadioButton}
- Begin
- TheBloc:=BlocHandle(PtrList^[1].HH^);
- if isValid(TheBloc) then
- TheInt:=PtrList^[2].I^;
- if (TheInt=1) or (TheInt=0) then
- if TheBloc^^.clicked<>TheInt then
- begin
- TheBloc^^.clicked:=TheInt;
- InValRect(TheBloc^^.AreaRect);
- end;
- end; {Case 5}
- 6 : {DisableButton}
- Begin
- TheBloc:=BlocHandle(PtrList^[1].HH^);
- if isValid(TheBloc) then
- if TheBloc^^.enabled then
- begin
- TheBloc^^.enabled:=False;
- InValRect(TheBloc^^.AreaRect);
- end;
- end; {DisableButton}
- 7 : {EnableButton}
- Begin
- TheBloc:=BlocHandle(PtrList^[1].HH^);
- if isValid(TheBloc) then
- if not(TheBloc^^.enabled) then
- begin
- TheBloc^^.enabled:=True;
- InValRect(TheBloc^^.AreaRect);
- end;
- end; {EnableButton}
- 8 : {SetPICTButton}
- Begin
- TheBloc:=BlocHandle(PtrList^[1].HH^);
- if isValid(TheBloc) then
- With TheBloc^^ do
- begin
- if PtrList^[2].I^ >=0 then PICTResUp := PtrList^[2].I^;
- if PtrList^[3].I^ >=0 then PICTResDown := PtrList^[3].I^;
- if PtrList^[4].I^ >=(-1) then PICTDisabled := PtrList^[4].I^;
- InValRect(TheBloc^^.AreaRect);
- end; {With TheBloc^^ do}
- end; {SetPICTButton}
- 9 : {SetButtonTitle}
- Begin
- TheBloc:=BlocHandle(PtrList^[1].HH^);
- if isValid(TheBloc) then
- With TheBloc^^ do
- begin
- TitleButton:=PtrList^[2].S^;
- if PtrList^[3].I^ >=0 then FontButton :=PtrList^[3].I^;
- if PtrList^[4].I^ >=0 then SizeButton :=PtrList^[4].I^;
- if PtrList^[5].I^ >=0 then StyleButton:=PtrList^[5].I^;
- InValRect(TheBloc^^.AreaRect);
- end; {With TheBloc^^}
- end; {SetButtonTitle}
- 10 : {SetButtonOffset}
- Begin
- TheBloc:=BlocHandle(PtrList^[1].HH^);
- if isValid(TheBloc) then
- With TheBloc^^ do
- begin
- UpXOffset := PtrList^[2].I^;
- UpXOffset := PtrList^[3].I^;
- UpXOffset := PtrList^[4].I^;
- UpXOffset := PtrList^[5].I^;
- InValRect(TheBloc^^.AreaRect);
- end;
- End; {SetButtonOffset}
- 11 : {SetDisplayMethod}
- begin
- TheBloc:=BlocHandle(PtrList^[1].HH^);
- if isValid(TheBloc) then
- With TheBloc^^ do
- begin
- case PtrList^[2].I^ of
- PictScale :
- DisplayMethod:=PictScale;
- AreaScale :
- DisplayMethod:=AreaScale;
- end; {Case PtrList^[2].I^}
- InValRect(TheBloc^^.AreaRect);
- end;
- end;
- 12 : {SetDefaultPICT}
- if Data <> Nil then
- begin
- HLock(Handle(Data));
- With Data^^ do
- begin
- if PtrList^[1].I^>0 then
- DefaultstdPICTResUp:=PtrList^[1].I^
- else
- if PtrList^[1].I^=0 then
- DefaultstdPICTResUp:=GetResNum('4BNX','PICT',stdPicUpLocalRes);
- if PtrList^[2].I^>0 then
- DefaultstdPICTResDown:=PtrList^[2].I^
- else
- if PtrList^[2].I^=0 then
- DefaultstdPICTResDown:=GetResNum('4BNX','PICT',stdPicDownLocalRes);
- if PtrList^[3].I^>(-2) then DefaultstdPICTDisabled:=PtrList^[3].I^;
- if PtrList^[4].I^>0 then
- DefaultrbPICTResUp:=PtrList^[4].I^
- else
- if PtrList^[4].I^=0 then
- DefaultrbPICTResUp:=GetResNum('4BNX','PICT',rbPicUpLocalRes);
- if PtrList^[5].I^>0 then
- DefaultrbPICTResDown:=PtrList^[5].I^
- else
- if PtrList^[5].I^=0 then
- DefaultrbPICTResDown:=GetResNum('4BNX','PICT',rbPicDownLocalRes);
- if PtrList^[6].I^>(-2) then DefaultrbPICTDisabled:=PtrList^[6].I^;
- end; {With Data^^}
- HUnLock(Handle(Data));
- end;
- 13 : {SetDefaultStyle}
- if Data <> Nil then
- With Data^^ do
- begin
- DefaultJumpedChar:=PtrList^[1].I^;
- if PtrList^[2].I^>=0 then
- DefaultFont:=PtrList^[2].I^;
- if PtrList^[3].I^>=0 then
- DefaultSize:=PtrList^[3].I^;
- if PtrList^[4].I^>=0 then
- DefaultStyle:=PtrList^[4].I^;
- end; {With Data^^}
- 14 : {SetDefaultOffset}
- if Data <> Nil then
- With Data^^ do
- begin
- DefaultUpXOffset:=PtrList^[1].I^;
- DefaultUpYOffset:=PtrList^[2].I^;
- DefaultDownXOffset:=PtrList^[3].I^;
- DefaultDownYOffset:=PtrList^[4].I^;
- end; {With Data^^}
- 15 : {SetDefaultDisplayMethod}
- if Data <> Nil then
- begin
- case PtrList^[1].I^ of
- PictScale :
- Data^^.DefaultDisplayMethod:=PictScale;
- AreaScale :
- Data^^.DefaultDisplayMethod:=AreaScale;
- end;
- end;
- 16 : {Convert FontName to FontNum}
- begin
- GetFNum(PtrList^[1].S^,TheInt);
- FuncPtr.L:=Longint(TheInt);
- end;
- end; {case ProcNum}
- end; {procedure ENTRYPOINT}
- Procedure DrawButton(var TheBloc : BlocHandle; var TheRect : Rect; state : Integer);
- var
- ThePict : PicHandle;
- PictRect : Rect;
- TextPoint : Point;
- FntInfo : FontInfo;
- FntHeight : Integer;
- Trame : Pattern;
- TheMaxPixelSize : integer;
- TheMaxRect : Rect;
- TheMaxDevice : GDHandle;
- TheMaxCTable : CTabHandle;
- ThePictureGWorld,
- currPort : CGrafPtr;
- currdev : GDHandle;
- err : QDErr;
- isLock : boolean;
- begin
- With TheBloc^^ do
- begin
- if enabled or (PICTDisabled<>0) then
- begin
- if not(enabled) and (PICTDisabled<>(-1)) then
- ThePict:=GetPicture(PICTDisabled)
- else
- if state = up then
- ThePict:=GetPicture(PICTResUp)
- else
- ThePict:=GetPicture(PICTResDown);
- if ThePict<>Nil then
- begin
- Case DisplayMethod of
- PictScale :
- begin
- PictRect:=ThePict^^.picFrame;
- offsetRect(PictRect,-PictRect.left,-PictRect.top);
- offsetRect(PictRect,TheRect.left,TheRect.top);
- end;
- AreaScale :
- PictRect:=TheRect;
- end; {Case DisplayMethod}
- GetGWorld(currport,currDev);
- TheMaxRect:=GetGrayRgn^^.rgnBBox;
- TheMaxDevice:=GetMaxDevice(TheMaxRect);
- TheMaxPixelSize:=TheMaxDevice^^.gdPMap^^.pixelsize;
- TheMaxCTable:=TheMaxDevice^^.gdPMap^^.pmTable;
- Err:=NewGWorld(ThePictureGWorld,TheMaxPixelSize,PictRect,TheMaxCTable,Nil,[]);
- if Err=NoErr then
- begin
- SetGWorld(ThePictureGWorld,Nil);
- IsLock:=LockPixels(ThePictureGWorld^.portPixmap);
- EraseRect(PictRect);
- end
- else
- SetGWorld(currport,currDev);
- DrawPicture(ThePict, PictRect);
- if length(TitleButton) > 0 then
- begin
- TextFont(FontButton);
- TextSize(SizeButton);
- TextFace(style(byte(StyleButton)));
- TextMode(SrcOr);
- GetFontInfo(FntInfo);
- FntHeight:=FntInfo.Ascent+FntInfo.Descent;
- TextPoint.h:= PictRect.Left
- +(((PictRect.Right-PictRect.Left)
- -Stringwidth(TitleButton))div 2);
- TextPoint.v:= PictRect.Bottom
- -(((PictRect.Bottom-PictRect.top)-FntHeight) div 2)
- -fntinfo.Descent;
- if state = up then
- MoveTo(TextPoint.h+UpXOffset,
- TextPoint.v+UpYOffset)
- else
- MoveTo(TextPoint.h+DownXOffset,
- TextPoint.v+DownYOffset);
- DrawString(TitleButton);
- end;
- if not(enabled) and (PICTDisabled=(-1)) then
- begin
- GetIndPattern(Trame,SysPatListID,4);
- PenMode(patBic);
- PenPat(Trame);
- PaintRect(PictRect);
- end;
- if Err=NoErr then
- begin
- SetGWorld(currport,currDev);
- UnlockPixels(ThePictureGWorld^.portPixmap);
- Copybits(GrafPtr(ThePictureGWorld)^.portBits,GrafPtr(currport)^.portbits, PictRect, PictRect, srcCopy, Nil);
- DisposeGWorld(ThePictureGWorld);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure DrawStructure( TheParamBloc : ParamBlocHandle; TheName : Str255; TheType : Integer; TheRect : Rect);
- var
- ThePict : PicHandle;
- PictRect : Rect;
- begin
- With TheParamBloc^^ do
- begin
- case TheType of
- StandardButton :
- ThePict := GetPicture(DefaultstdPICTResUp);
- RadioButton :
- ThePict := GetPicture(DefaultrbPICTResUp);
- end;
- if ThePict<>Nil then
- begin
- PenNormal;
- Case DefaultDisplayMethod of
- PictScale :
- begin
- PictRect:=ThePict^^.picFrame;
- offsetRect(PictRect,-PictRect.left,-PictRect.top);
- offsetRect(PictRect,TheRect.left,TheRect.top);
- end;
- AreaScale :
- PictRect:=TheRect;
- end;
- DrawPicture(ThePict,PictRect);
- FrameRect(TheRect);
- MoveTo(TheRect.left+5,TheRect.top+10);
- TextFont(1);
- TextSize(9);
- TextFace([]);
- TextMode(SrcOr);
- DrawString(TheName);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Function isValid(TheBloc : BlocHandle) : boolean;
- var
- i : integer;
- v : boolean;
- begin
- v:=false;
- if TheBloc<>Nil then
- if GetHandleSize(handle(TheBloc))>0 then
- if TheBloc^^.Signature=ValidSignature then
- v:=True;
- if not(v) then i:=Alert(GetResNum('4BNX','ALRT',0),Nil);
- isValid:=v;
- end;
- Procedure Button_ExternalArea( var TheEvent : EventRecord;
- var TheRect : Rect;
- var TheName : Str255;
- var TheBloc : BlocHandle;
- var TheParamBloc : ParamBlocHandle;
- TheType : Integer);
- var
- ThePoint : Point;
- DejaInRect,
- IsInRect : Boolean;
- begin
- If TheParamBloc <> Nil then
- case TheEvent.What of
- MouseDown:
- begin
- if isValid(TheBloc) then
- begin
- Hlock(handle(TheBloc));
- With TheBloc^^ do
- begin
- if enabled then
- Case TheType of
- StandardButton :
- begin
- DrawButton(TheBloc,TheRect,down);
- Clicked:=Down;
- While Stilldown do
- begin
- GetMouse(ThePoint);
- if PtInRect(ThePoint,TheRect) then
- begin
- if Clicked=Up then
- begin
- DrawButton(TheBloc,TheRect,down);
- Clicked:=Down;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- if Clicked=Down then
- begin
- DrawButton(TheBloc,TheRect,up);
- Clicked:=Up;
- end;
- end;
- end; {Stilldown}
- if clicked=Down then DrawButton(TheBloc,TheRect,up);
- end; {Case StandardButton}
- RadioButton :
- begin
- if Clicked=Down then
- Clicked:=Up
- else
- Clicked:=Down;
- DrawButton(TheBloc,TheRect,clicked);
- DejaInRect:=True;
- While Stilldown do
- begin
- GetMouse(ThePoint);
- IsInRect:=ptinrect(ThePoint,TheRect);
- if IsInRect<>DejaInRect then
- begin
- if Clicked=Down then
- Clicked:=Up
- else
- Clicked:=Down;
- DrawButton(TheBloc,TheRect,clicked);
- DejaInRect:=IsInRect;
- end;
- end; {While Stilldown}
- end; {RadioButton}
- end {Case TheType}
- else
- Clicked:=inactif;
- end; {With TheBloc^^}
- HUnlock(handle(TheBloc));
- end;{if TheBloc<>Nil}
- end; {Case MouseDown}
- StructEvent:
- begin
- DrawStructure(TheParamBloc,TheName,TheType,TheRect);
- TheEvent.Message:=ZoneIsCustomized;
- end;
- UpdateEvt:
- if isValid(TheBloc) then
- begin
- Hlock(handle(TheBloc));
- case TheType of
- StandardButton :
- DrawButton(TheBloc,TheRect,up);
- RadioButton :
- DrawButton(TheBloc,TheRect,TheBloc^^.clicked);
- end;
- HUnlock(handle(TheBloc));
- end;
- InitEvent:
- begin
- TheBloc:=BlocHandle(NewHandle(sizeof(Bloc)));
- if TheBloc <> Nil then
- begin
- Hlock(handle(TheBloc));
- with TheBloc^^, TheParamBloc^^ do
- begin
- Signature:=ValidSignature;
- TitleButton:='';
- case TheType of
- StandardButton :
- begin
- PICTResUp:=DefaultstdPICTResUp;
- PICTResDown:=DefaultstdPICTResDown;
- PICTDisabled:=DefaultstdPICTDisabled;
- if (DefaultJumpedChar>=0)
- & (DefaultJumpedChar<length(TheName)) then
- TitleButton:=Copy(TheName,
- 1+DefaultJumpedChar,
- Length(TheName)-DefaultJumpedChar);
- end; {StandardButton}
- RadioButton :
- begin
- PICTResUp:=DefaultrbPICTResUp;
- PICTResDown:=DefaultrbPICTResDown;
- PICTDisabled:=DefaultrbPICTDisabled;
- end; {RadioButton}
- end; {Case TheType}
- clicked:=up;
- enabled:=True;
- FontButton:=DefaultFont;
- SizeButton:=DefaultSize;
- StyleButton:=DefaultStyle;
- UpXOffset:=DefaultUpXOffset;
- UpYOffset:=DefaultUpYOffset;
- DownXOffset:=DefaultDownXOffset;
- DownYOffset:=DefaultDownYOffset;
- DisplayMethod:=DefaultDisplayMethod;
- AreaRect:=TheRect;
- end; {with TheBloc^^, TheParamBloc^^}
- HUnlock(handle(TheBloc));
- end; {if TheBloc<>Nil}
- end; {InitEvent}
- DeInitEvent:
- if isValid(TheBloc) then DisposHandle(handle(TheBloc));
- end; {Case TheEvent.What}
- end; {Button_ExternalArea}
- end.
- { Script de compilation pour MPW 3.2
- Pascal ButtonPackage.p
- Link -p ButtonPackage.p.o ∂
- interface.o ∂
- PasLib.o ∂
- Access0.o ∂
- -sg Main=PASLIB ∂
- -rt 4DPX=26000 ∂
- -sn 'Main'='Button Package' ∂
- -t 'PEXT' ∂
- -c '4DMX' ∂
- -o ButtonPackage.Ext
- }